3 thoughts on “Frank’s Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution

  1. That’s a pretty comprehensive vision, and shows how everything holds together.

    How many of the other candidates could even begin to think like this?

  2. Hello Frank, I wasnt familiar with you until the campaign booklet came through. There is a lot of pressure to vote tactically to try to prevent a conservative candidate. To get my vote Id like to hear more detail from your campaign. I think its brilliant presenting your manifesto as a mind map but what is the priority, where yould you start in terms of services and geography ? What will different age groups and demographics expect tovsee and how long do you think it will take ?

    Your energy is refreshing… Show us more before 2nd May!!

    1. Hello Karen, thank you for reaching out and engaging with the election. There is no love for the conservatives at the moment and there vote has been split. Reform have taken the far right conservative vote and Labour are sweeping up the softer conservative voters. This means that those of us who want to elect a progressive candidate have to look elsewhere, Labour are desperately selling a myth that everyone has rto vote for them but the truth is they do not represent us all – no one party ever can. I would urge you to vote for the candidate you believe in, whoever that may be. Day one, we get to work on bringing the buses under public control, kickstarting a regional festival and producing a Land Spatial Plan (so we know where to build, where to rewild and how our new transport network fits into that). I will have Citizens Assemblies which will inform me of priorities and also how best to roll out my plans for each area. I hope this answers your question? Feel free to come back to me for more info 🙂

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